CIA Part 1 Essentials of Internal Auditing 2021


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Welcome to the 2021 edition of Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) Part 1 study book. CIA Part 1 is known as Essentials of Internal Auditing. This study book will prepare you for CIA exams conducted by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), US.

The book contains the 265 study points presented with the questioning mind approach. Furthermore, there are 104 true/false questions to reinforce the learned topics.

CIA Exams are passed by understanding the core topics presented in the syllabus and applying them in real case scenarios. You will be tested at higher cognitive levels. CIA Part 1 exam is the foundation of other CIA Parts. That’s why this CIA Part 1 Essentials of Internal Auditing 2021 will help you develop a 360-degree level of understanding.

CIA certification is achievable within seven months by working executives if they can give at least three hours on weekdays and at least 6 hours on weekends. They will save time and energy to focus more on their career, leisure activities, and family time.

A dedicated section on Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) – Basic Information is added in the book, explaining the proven strategies to clear the CIA exam in the first attempt.

CIA Part 1 learning videos will be available from YouTube, which will give you the confidence to retain the topics in your heart. Furthermore, you will save valuable time and resources on attending classes. You can ask as many questions as you wish to either through WhatsApp or email and I will answer to the best of my ability. My support and guidance will be with you TILL YOU PASS THE EXAMS. Do read the comments and ratings of my successful candidates from Facebook

This CIA Study Book is ideal for all persons working in internal auditing, risk management, and compliance reporting positions. It is also equally suitable for those candidates who wish to learn the concepts and principles of internal audits. Aspiring entrepreneurs can also benefit from this CIA review course.

Zain Academy’s purpose is to create the best CIA Exam Prep materials at affordable pricing. You will get the integrated printable PDF book on subscription either through Visa or MasterCard.

Let’s work together towards the common goal of earning a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) credential from the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), US.

The finest of the brains are in extreme levels of slavery. For them, career and job are important than financial freedom and peace of soul. You will be replaced in a day or two when you leave this world for eternal life. Not understanding this point will lead to a dead-end tunnel. Seek certification to change your world, well-being, and most importantly yourself.

Read the snippet of CIA Part 1 Essentials of Internal Auditing 2021 complimentary before subscribing to the same.

Supplement your preparation by practicing from CIA Part 1 Test Bank Questions 2021

Additional Information

Language = English
Publication Date = 23 April 2021
Page Count = 139 pages
Format = Integrated Printable PDF